Transporting Sick/Injured Employees

Recently, we had an employee that was injured on the job so her manager transported her to the occupational health clinic for treatment. After the employee was treated and released, she was unable to drive home ( her foot was injured) so our manager took her home (about 20 miles) because the employee could not locate anyone to assist her. After the manager took the employee home, the manager picked-up the employee's friend and took her back to the office to get the car.
I recognize that the employer has a legal responsibility for providing transportation for an employee (i.e. ambulance), if necessary, in work related illnesses or accidents but what responsibility do we have in transporting that individual elsewhere after treatment was received? I have a concern that if the person doing the transporting has not been cleared to drive for the company, our company could be at risk in the event of an accident.
Also, if anyone has a policy on transporting sick/injured employees, regardless of whether the accident/illness is work related, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to review it for relevance to our company. Thank you!
I recognize that the employer has a legal responsibility for providing transportation for an employee (i.e. ambulance), if necessary, in work related illnesses or accidents but what responsibility do we have in transporting that individual elsewhere after treatment was received? I have a concern that if the person doing the transporting has not been cleared to drive for the company, our company could be at risk in the event of an accident.
Also, if anyone has a policy on transporting sick/injured employees, regardless of whether the accident/illness is work related, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to review it for relevance to our company. Thank you!
I have received criticism for the way I have handled this numerous times, never by the injured party but by other who think they know better. When criticized I ask them it they are trained in first aid / CPR? I already know they will say no as I am the one who arranges the training. I then point out, like I tell all first aid responders that it is their call, ambulance or cab or whatever for getting an injured employee to medical attention. When it is me I do what I feel needs to be done. Most of the criticism has been you should have called an ambulance. When I point out that I treated the injured employee, and rode over in the cab with them to the hospital/clinic and there were no issues most drop it. Some still do the what if, to which I respond as the first provider I made the decision, if you don't like it you can always volunteer to be part of the first responders so you can have input. They never take it up.
I now require the supervisors to take injured employees to the clinic. Three reasons, one it shows concern for the employee, two it also helps keep the supervisors focusec on safety because they really don't have time for this, and three it also ensures that the employee cannot stop to buy anything that can impact the outcome of the post accident drug test.
I do not worry about getting the employee's car back to their home if we end up sending them home from clinic/hospital, I draw the line there.
It does not matter how they are transported, as almost anything that happens will most likely still fall under the WC umbrella.
Wow I have rambled on a bit, get that makes this my:
$0.04 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
While I will not get anothers blood on me, there are very few limits to what I will do in taking care of my employees. I had one who cut his forearm while working alone on the 7th floor of an 8 story building, 6" cut! (He was a little different) But all he was thinking about was I have to get to DJ, I have to get to DJ. I did drop the phone when he walked in! Got the bleeding under control and gave him the choice car or cab. He chose cab, but I did not leave until after he came back from the clinic.
Shawn, you will figure it can't worry about making mistakes, and how many people without epilepsy do you know that have seizures anyway? I have only known 1 in 37 plus years!!!! And if the have a seizure so be it if you can have them to the hospital/clinic in under 5 minutes or must wait 5-10 for an ambulance......
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman..................Don's partner in insanity.
I would like to thank everyone for their comments and suggestions. I too am compassionate and would transport an injured/ill employee to seek medical treatment as long as the injury/illness was not life threatening. What concerns me is that our safety committee recommended that we develop a policy on this subject. It is my opinion that if we have a policy, either for or against transporting ill/injured employees, we will experience limits that may obstruct our ability to make a judgment call.
And Balloonman..better be careful..that "under 25" stereotype could get you in trouble! ;;)
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman