Our managers won't listen!

Our managers hire their own part-time employees and are responsible for submitting the paperwork to HR. Sometimes it takes them several months to turn in the paperwork (for people who work just a few hours a month). We have told them many times that they have to do it, but they don't change their ways. Typically they will listen if they think it effects them in some way. Does anyone have ideas for how I can "scare" them into doing it?
Also, does the "paperwork" that you reference including W-2s? Are these new employees going weeks or months without a check? It seems there could be some liability there as most states require payment within a certain period of time following the end of a pay period.
Ultimately, however, perhaps you need to treat it as a disciplinary issue. The managers have been asked/told/trained to turn the paperwork in, and they don't. I say, follow your disciplinary process as you would for any other staff who are not performing their job tasks appropriately. Perhaps a few written warnings, followed if necessary by a disciplinary probation status or suspension will get the message across.
For anything dealing with the legal side of managing, we require our managers to attend this once a year. Giving case studies and listing those companies and instances where a manager is held personally liable tend to capture their attention.
You need GM/President/CEO leadership in this case; with the assistance of the CFO (just in case there are bonus penalities available for use by the senior leader) and the most senior leader of the organization. A powerful letter/memo to the leader positions that says:
"For to long the HR function within our company has been allowed to act as a policeman of your responsibility and accountabilities of your team members and their personal concerns! From this point on you will take care of your employee assets for all personnel actions. Should you fail to insure that a team member gets the pay and benefits entitled to our employees from day #1 you will be challanged to answer to the employee and the legal systems as to why you failed to support your employee! Human Resources will sent all inquiries to your attention for an immediate response, and you will then bring your written prepared response to me; I will insure your employee is taken care of promptly. I will ask HR to assist me in this effort. You will also be allowed to sit with me and our attorney to prepare the company's response on "our failure" to accomplish our responsibilities. Leaders will remain in positions of power and responsibility, we must understand when we fail to exercise the authority delegated to us, then the company has failed and are righly accountable for our failures.
I will not be caught failing; I have zero tolerance for management inability to earn the compensation paid to them for handling all duties in an outstanding manner!"
May you have a nice and blessed day! Please contact me for personal discussions on this matter, should you have a need; otherwise, I consider this situation resolved.
For HR: please feel comfortable in assisting our managers in the activity of employee care and attention.
Signed President Pork