Red Vests For Probationary Employees

I appologize if this is a duplication but it concerns me if I am being discriminatory or causing a new employee to feel inferior if I require all production probationary workers to wear a red vest. My reason for requiring a red vest is to alert the more seasoned workers of the need to impart safety practices to the new worker during his/her probationary period.
Being constantly singled out as the new person I think can lead to some sense of inferiority, harassment, etc. I understand what you are tyring to do, and in a way it makes sense, but make sure that your intent isn't undermined by the negatives something like that can cause.
I can just imagine the jokes about "redcoats", "red and need to be led", and so on...
Almost no one enjoys being singled out or looking different. I think you might accomplish your worthy goal with less repercussions by being a bit more discrete.
We give new hires titles like Manufacturing Trainee or Junior Procurement Agent. The adder of "trainee" or "junior" is at time perceived as demeaning and creates morale problems for us. Being an electronics manufacturer, we have to wear special ESD jackets. We thought about buying a different color for the newbies, but quickly dismissed the idea. Too expensive and distracting.