Salary Range???

I'm looking for a salary range for a newly-created f/t position responsible for marketing a program of ours (Marketing Coordinator. The position will market the program within the state only, based solely on salary, not commission. When purchased, the employee will also train the member on how to use the program. I've used several of the salary (dot coms), but they all seem to be weighing just a tad bit heavy. Thanks for any help/experience you can provide!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • KathyA: Sounds like you may have a strange cat there! I would consider determining what the job position is worth to the company! The functions and task as they relate to other jobs within your organization. Marketing is a very difficult field, just anyone can not sale your product. I have been in sales/marketing and it looked so easy but I just could not close a deal or force someone to take something they really didn't need or want. What is f/t anyway? My thoughts, want'a buy some? Pork
  • Thanks ... "marketing" salary ranges are all over the place, from low-end to very high! Sorry, I use f/t to mean full-time.
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