Background checks-when?

For those of you that perform background checks on your applicants, at what point in the interviewing or hiring process are you having them complete the background check forms, and following through on ordering the reports? I don't want one for 'every applicant', only selected candidates for hire. I've made the mistake of reports coming back AFTER they've started working (due to the desperation or hurry some of the Depts. get into)and THEN finding out something detrimental about the employee. Kind of like the 'Cart before the Horse' scenario. Please tell me the proper way to handle background checking.
begins until all pre-employment steps have been completed.
I have learned the hard way never to start someone until all the information is back. I have had several instances where an employee was allowed to start before receiving their drug test only to have it come back positive and have to walk them out.
Makes things much easier. On my WC checks it says on there that the check can only be done after an job has been offered.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Although we have been doing these checks for a while, it was only recently that we changed our employment application to include the question "Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than misdemeanor traffic violations?" We also included a statement that informs the applicant that an affirmative answer will NOT automatically preclude them from beinf hired. We spoke with our attorney about this and he said that it is fine to ask. If the answer is "no" and we find that there was something, we are then able to rescind the job offer based on the fact they lied on their application.
I don't care if they have had previous claims, but if they say they have never been hurt, and came back with 3-4 claims on their WC record. I would rescind the offer.
I am looking for truthfulness in filling out the applications. Remember if you have someone who lies, omits, do not worry about them getting upset suing, let them know the reason the offer is being withdrawn is their failure to completely and accurately fill out the application.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
The department heads should get into the habit of planning ahead on their resource needs. By letting them come screeching up at the last minute "I have to have this person working by....", they put the company in a high liability arena by ending up with employees that shouldn't have been hired for one reason or the other.
Stand your ground. The candidates don't start work until all the paperwork is completed and the all the reports are back.