HELP - how to tell an employee she physically doesn't fit?!?

We are opening up "pits" surrounded by table games. The pits are long and narrow (about 10 feet wide) areas where dealers stand and all admin personnel (boss, floor people, clerk) are located. These are all new positions and we are training for some. An employee from another location has put in for the clerk position. The clerk traverses the length of the pit all day long. Problem is she is VERY big around the bottom, and really can't fit in this area where there are so many other people. In some cases she simply wouldn't be able to get by. What do we say?
>with that same physical feature you spoke of and you would be
>surprised how they manage to move, dip, weave, squeeze and just get
>the job done.
Thanks for that description early on a Friday. I will spend some time with my eyes closed trying to visualize it.
DJ The Balloonman
I work on a reservation - no ADA - but we always try to comply as someday we may have to. But doesn't reasonable accommodation stop when it impedes the rights of others? In this case it would.
It's not discrimination if someone can't fit, is it?
Funny thing though - I lost in state unemployment court a couple weeks ago because our policy follows the guidelines of FMLA. After 12 weeks, we term. The judge however, felt that because we didn't HAVE to fully comply with FMLS we could have given the employee the extra 4 weeks she needed to return to work. Nevermind inequitable treatment of employees and violation of company policy and procedure.
Anyway, with this issue I think I'm just going to tell the employee we found and applicant with department experience who is willing to train in the new position.
Crout: No, we didn't break out the tape measure. I thought that might be a tad crude. Trust me - I've been in the area. It was difficult for me and one other person to move through the area side by side when we were walking past two dealers. We had to pass through one at a time. Now, this is one thread that can just go away, because I don't think there's any help to be had.