Privacy Issues?
15 Posts
I recently read or heard that even a manager needs a legitimate and specific reason to view an employee's personnel records. We have a newly-elected Town Board member(one of five)requesting to see everyone's file. Wouldn't this violate the privacy of the employees? What would be considered a valid reason to show someone the records?
Terry B.
Terry B.
As public employees, our salaries are published in the local newspaper annually.
It was during an HR teleconference that I heard a specific reason was required to view the personnel files. I'm just at a loss on how to handle this. I sure appreciate your input!
Parabeagle, I don't know about OR, but Ohio has had its Sunshine Laws (dealing with access to public records and meetings) very broadly interpreted in regards to the taxpayers' right to view 'relevant' information' in a tax-funded institution. We may be challenged to present to anyone what we feel to be confidential information. In that case, we would decline to give it up, throw ourselves into the legal fray, and hope for the best outcome.
I have in the hiring process a medical review questionaire that is filled out post offer. It asks about prescription drugs that are taken. I would be concerned about others seeing some of the responses as they can identify specific illnesses with very little research. I have one individual, who left it blank but told me of a number of medicines that would easily identify him as someone with a significant, and possibly fatal illness. It would be no-ones business to see things like that. Fact is I could not legally withdraw my offer of employment once he told me this. While I did not contemplate this I wonder how the owners of my company would react if they were to find out that I hired him with this illness.
He is a great worker and has been promoted to foreman, wish I had more like him, except for his illness.
Anway I have rambled to much. Review the files first, make sure you do not leave employees exposed to someone knowing something that will cause them to pass judgement.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I'll let you know the outcome. Thanks again!
The Town Board is not entitled to view the other personnel files if the chain of command gives authority over hourly employees to the manager.