How to pay non-exempt travel

At the request of a client, we are sending a non-exempt employee to their headquarters for training. This will require two days of training, an overnight stay & probably an evening dinner. We have never had a non-exempt employee travel so have no policy covering this.
How are we required to pay them? Do we have to pay her regular rate for every hour she's there(excluding sleep time)? Is going to the airport at 5am or having dinner with a client "working"?
How are we required to pay them? Do we have to pay her regular rate for every hour she's there(excluding sleep time)? Is going to the airport at 5am or having dinner with a client "working"?
State of Wisconsin rules require that if an employee travels on an overnight trip all travel time ( excluding meal periods) must be counted as working time. Federal rules require that if an employee travels on an overnight trip the employee need only be paid for travel time(excluding meal periods) which occurs during regular hours of work anf for travel time ( excluding meal periods) on Sasturday, Sunday, or holiday. Under the federal law however, the employee is not required to be paid for travelling outside working hours as a passenger on an airplane, train, boat, bus or automobile. If the employee is not a passenger, the time spent travelling outside of normal working hours is compensable. Wisconsin employers who are covered by both State of Wisconsin and federal rules must comply with the state law requirements which is more restrictive.