Company locations in different states - What laws apply

Our company has different locations throughout the U.S. Which state laws apply? Do you go by the state laws the company is incorporated in or are you to go by each state law the location is in?
I'm sure there are zillions of exceptions, but this is the way we operate.
But even with that, you can never have too many reference tools, so I would latch onto everything I could. It may be spendy but it will be money well spent.
Meantime, if you want to e-mail me I can give you the information regarding the publications I rely on -- just a guess, but I don't expect we're supposed to promote particular products on this thing.
Thanks for your insight.
In addition, in many states, the state chamber of commerce publishes a labor law guide that is a good reference.
Steve Mac
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
You can order the newsletters online from [url][/url] . The prices are discounted if you want to receive more than one state's newsletter, but you'll need to call us at 800/274-6774 or contact us at [email][/email] to find out what the discount is (it depends on how many newsletters you want to subscribe to).
Also, if you have offices across the U.S., you might want to check into a Multi-User Account, which gives you and your HR people across the U.S. access to their state's newsletter and laws, etc. More info at
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor