What's wrong with this picture?

Here's the picture...The company has been hanging on by a "financial" thread for a while now. Each Christmas Eve/New Years Eve, the company usually closes the office at 12noon and pays an additional 4 hours of regular pay to all hourly employees regardless of their position (office, whse, local drivers) in order to be fair. The problem this year is that we really can't afford to throw 4 hours to everyone but want to be able to something for those people who are going to lose money/hours due to the office being closed.
Because we are in the trucking/distribution business, we just don't know which customers are going to be open and shipping/receiving on those days so we may have some drivers working all day and others not. Same thing with the warehouse workers. Here's an example of what the company would like to say:
Tuesday, December 24, 2002 (Christmas Eve)
"The office will be open and working on Christmas Eve until 12:00 noon unless you are scheduled otherwise. Because of this office closure, the company will offer ALL hourly employees, who have NOT been scheduled to work the full day, up to 4 hours of regular pay in order to compensate for the remaining hours of their shift. To be eligible for up to 4 hours of additional regular pay, ALL hourly employees must work a minimum of 4 hours on this day and must have worked Monday, December 23, 2002 unless you have previously been scheduled to have this day off and have your supervisor’s approval. These hours will NOT count towards overtime. Office and warehouse personnel are required to punch out at 12:00 noon, unless you are scheduled otherwise. You will be paid for this day regardless of your holiday pay eligibility."
Do you folks think this is a fair way to deal with this situation? I would welcome any comments or suggestions! x:-/
Because we are in the trucking/distribution business, we just don't know which customers are going to be open and shipping/receiving on those days so we may have some drivers working all day and others not. Same thing with the warehouse workers. Here's an example of what the company would like to say:
Tuesday, December 24, 2002 (Christmas Eve)
"The office will be open and working on Christmas Eve until 12:00 noon unless you are scheduled otherwise. Because of this office closure, the company will offer ALL hourly employees, who have NOT been scheduled to work the full day, up to 4 hours of regular pay in order to compensate for the remaining hours of their shift. To be eligible for up to 4 hours of additional regular pay, ALL hourly employees must work a minimum of 4 hours on this day and must have worked Monday, December 23, 2002 unless you have previously been scheduled to have this day off and have your supervisor’s approval. These hours will NOT count towards overtime. Office and warehouse personnel are required to punch out at 12:00 noon, unless you are scheduled otherwise. You will be paid for this day regardless of your holiday pay eligibility."
Do you folks think this is a fair way to deal with this situation? I would welcome any comments or suggestions! x:-/
If it was my employee's I think I would take the day off the memo was posted.
Good Luck!
Does the quote, "A day late and a dollar short" fit here? I think it just might!
Post the notice regarding the half day closure but also note employees not scheduled to work the full day must either take the remaining portion of the day as vacation (PTO) or take it unpaid. Employees choosing to take it unpaid will be eligible for unemployment but they will not receive the same amount as if they used a vacation day. In my experience people appreciate the time off and do not have a problem taking the vacation time as long as they know about it in advance. This would also address some of the hard feelings from those that are scheduled to work and you would not have to offer those individuals additional time off down the road.
If you have a written policy in place regarding these "Eve" days, then it probably would not work but it's a thought.
I work in a casino and where I worked before if we closed the dealing area (pit) early, we payed the dealers lost hours. If they asked to go home early, they didn't get paid.
Just an idea.
Good luck!
I do want to thank everyone for their imput. Next year, I'm going to suggest that we do not close the office on the Eve's and those who wish to take off may use their time off benefits if they so desire.