Affirmative Action Plans/Software?

We were blessed this year to have had the DOL select us for an Affirmative Action Compliance Review. (I would not wish this on our best competitor). Several months later and a few St. Louis lawyers on roller skates, we have yet to hear the final word regarding our response to their review. My question is: does anyone have or know of a software package that you would recommend that will satisfy the DOL in referance to Affirmative Action? We are a mid size community bank and I can best sum up our HR system by saying it was the only program we had that the Y2K bug got. Therefore all the reports, charts, etc. that we had to pull together for the compliance review were done the old fashioned way... not by simply pushing a few buttons on the ol' keyboard
Thank you,
Thank you,
Good Luck - it's a pandora's box!