Exempt nightmare!!!!

We have a few salaried, exempt employees who are on a year round reduced schedule. For example: Jane works 55 hours in spring, take the summer off, and work 40 hours a week the rest of the year. Because of our industry we have busier times of the year so we are able to accomodate this. Their schedules were pre-arranged where they said they would complete "x" number of billable hours in a year. These hours were then divided by the number of billable hours their peers work in a year in order to come up with a percentage (Ex: Jane works a 60% schedule in relation to her peers) Jane's annual salary was then multiplied by this 60% and paid equally over 24 pay periods. (Example: $50,000 x 60% = $30,000 - $30,000/24 pay periods = $1250.00 per pay period whether or not Jane was actually working at the time). As you can see there are some serious problems with this arrangment! The person that set up this system is no longer here and I'm trying to come up with a better arrangement so that we don't get to November and then find that Jane will not meet her billable hour goal, thus we are overpaying her. We want to still be able to accomodate those employees that want to have this reduced schedule, yet simplify it. We can't pay them on an hourly basis because they are exempt. Any suggestions on how others handle such a situation would be greatly appreciated!!
Do the terms exempt and non-exempt apply only to salaried personnel...I am an hourly employee and get overtime for anything over 40...I thought that made me a "non-exempt hourly employee"
Alice 1
Exempt: employees are exempt from overtime
Non-exempt (or hourly): employees receive overtime for all hours worked over 40 in one week
Salaried non-exempt: these employees receive a salary and are eligible for overtime. The overtime is computed a little differently
This is per federal laws. Some states go a bit further. For instance, in California anything over 8 hours is considered overtime.
Hope this helps
An employer is always free to pay overtime to exempt employees, inlcuding hourly overtime, under DOL interpetation as long as their salaries are not reduced unless specifically permitted by Section 541.118 of the Code of Federal Regulations, volume 29. Some courts have gone along with that interpretation (allowing overtime to exempts); others have not. And, of course, indivdiual state law may set different criteria that is more beneficial to the employee than the provisions in FLSA on this point. For example, in California, registered nurses working in clinics and hospitals are by law "non-exempt" even though they could be classified as exempt professionals. California also sets a higher hourly rate for the computer specialist exemption.
Alice 1