Training for employees

Just wondering if you members would share with me what training/teaching you do every year? For instance, are there certain things you consider important enough that you hold a class on the subject annually? What types of mandatory training do you do in your business? When I joined this organization, it became apparent that we are not "up to speed" on training in some areas and I need some guidance in what you other "experts" consider to be important training.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Miarmin, I highly recommend the HRhero 10 Danger Zone for Supervisors. I have now taught 3 courses over a 4 week period for Supervisors-in-Training, Managers-in-Training, Supervisors, and Managers. The programs are easily supported with actual in company examples which make it dynamic and interesting. I with hold names on cases, but most have already heard and are glad to get the correct information and how to apply the principles and policy/procedures. The courses have taken 4 weeks with one day per week as the students place of work. We have them on the clock all day and we give written test and lots of useful materials to put in their personal reference guide that they take back and use in the real world of work. Good luck Pork
  • More info on 10 Danger Zones for Supervisors training videos at


    Christy Reeder
    Website Managing Editor

    P.S. Pork, your check is in the mail. x;-)
  • Miriam:

    We are just beginning to get into the full swing of training for our supervisors/managers as well. Most of our supervisors have been promoted from within and lack the supervisory skills. We have done a few SKillPath seminars and for the manufacturing industry. TWI "Training within Industry" is a great new type of training. It is put on by the NY Manufacturing Extension Partnership - they are teaming up with many other state depts. to bring this to the manufacturing industry. It is teamed with Lean manufacturing and the Kaizen concept.

    Good Luck
  • We are mandated to do certain types of training because of the nature of our business such as security and banking regulations, and we also do training on what constitutes harassment. I also provide training for managers in basic HR stuff... forbidden interview questions, how to recognize an FMLA request, coaching, counseling and disciplining employees, and personnel policies. We are stepping up our training this year to include some self-help subjects like stress management, time management and becoming more promotable. (and you all wondered why I work late)
  • I do manager training usually twice a month. I have a binder full of outlines from everything from employment laws to how to delegate. I usually come to this website to get more information on the topics I teach. The meetings usually last about 30 minutes and I always have a power point presentation with handouts and quizes. Some topics such as sexual harrassment are taught to the whole company once a year. Most of the manager's at our company have never been manager's before, so our monthly training meetings are very important to make sure everyone is on the same page. Good luck.
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