Full time or part time

Our agency has part time and full time (those over 30 hrs). When one wants to go from PT to FT there must be a position open and they apply for it. When an employee is part time but picks up extra shifts (from vacations and call offs) every week to where they are consistently over the required 30 hrs required to be full time - do they have to be changed to full time? And, if so, how long a time of working the extra hours needs to pass before they are considered FT?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • indivctr: some where in the FLSA there is a provision that says after 16 straight weeks of greater than 32 hours regardless of the company policy and procedures the ee is now entitled to regular permanent employee status. He/she is automatically entitled to all benefits and status of a regular full time employee from then on. If during the 16 weeks the ee does not get 32 hours or more then the 16 weeks begins again. It was only after the fact during an audit by wage and hour did I learn of this slight rule. We were required to then go back and make it right to all ees who had been denied their rights. You bet we paid attention from then on. We also began to us the 16 week period to our advantage. Good Luck, Pork
  • Thank you - that is exactly what I needed. I will try to look it up now that I know it is there.
  • I've used eight (8) consecutive pay periods to govern whether they s/b moved to FT status. It's worked quite well and enables you to have flex staffing for those times when you really need it.
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