H1B Visa

Current employees wants us to sponsor H1B Visa. I-9 paperwork does state alien, but it was overlooked by HR. First do we have to sponsor employee? What are the cost of sponsorship? Do we need a lawyer? Has anyone been through the process before? I know I know lots of questions? HELP!
You are not obligated to sponsor anyone for an H-1B visa; it's a decision your company needs to make. If you have never done it before, then yes -- you SHOULD work with an immigration attorney to take you through the process. Visit [url]http://www.ins.gov/graphics/howdoi/h1b.htm[/url] to start with some basic questions.
I worked in healthcare for 14 years---due to nursing, physician and therapist shortages, we had a number of HI visa staff. However, we made a decision early on that we would not 'pay' for the attorney. We knew good attorneys locally & referred folks because we didn't want to be in the business of paying the exhorbitant costs for visas and green cards. Don didn't exxagerate--the average cost was $5,000. Additionally, once you undertake the sponsorship you must advertise appropriately and have to show that you did everything possible to hire qualified U.S. candidates. Once you begin, you also have to post a notice in an open area where all employees can see that you are considering hiring a foreign applicant(listing their name) for xx position and what the average pay is (no I'm not kidding). Additionally, H1 visas are good for a total of 6 years, but must be renewed at 3. Most candidates will try to convert to green card status.
It's a ton o' paperwork & a headache to insure you've done it correctly. So be sure you know what you're getting into if you do this. Also, what happens when the next person comes along & wants sponsorship...how do you deny?