When do I increase my HR staff?

I've often heard that the "appropriate" staff to employee ratio for HR professionals is 1 to 100. Is there any research supporting or disproving this? When should I add to my staff? Is number of employees the only indicator?
I have worked at organizations with ratios of 1:50; 1:100, and 1:150 (two companies with this ratio). At each of these organizations the ratio depended upon so many factors.
Company A with the 1:150 ratio worked perfectly; there were two of us in HR for 300 employees. Company B with the 1:150 ratio was horrific: there were 26 in HR and 4000 employees. At Company B we were so overwhelmed because even with more of us, the processes were more cumbersome, the culture was complex, and the expectations of the employees were the same but our ability to provide adeqaute service was stretched to the limits. The company was much more detailed than Company A, with many more types of departments and focuses, and thus there were more areas needing the attention of HR if we were to truly be effective within the organization.
I think in order to determine when you need to increase your HR staff you have to do a time study of your processes and functions; get customer feedback to see what is NOT getting done because you are spread too thin, and determine how this will benefit the organization by increasing HR staff.
At one stage (at the 1:150 ratio'ed Company A) my boss the CEO asked me if I needed to add another HR staff member. When I told him "no, not necessary" he was shocked(and pleased!!). My predecessor, it appears, had been after him for YEARS to add a 3rd HR staffer, and her arguments had been all based on the "ratio" she had heard. I had been in the job about 3 months, was able to ascertain at that point that we did not need to expand HR, and advocated instead for adding to our operations side... where I had determined it WAS needed.
Good luck!
It's not a matter of doing it alone or realizing when we need more HR staff; however.... I have run into many of my HR colleagues who like to play the power game by running around screaming how busy they are and need more staff. Sort of like building a little feifdom. (and of course it's not just HR who does that -- I had a Marketing Director who amassed a virtual city of Marketing Specialists around her)
Simple answer of when to add new HR staff -- yes -- when the work doesnt get done. But I think we owe it to our organizations to balance that with what the rest of the organization is going through. When my maintenance department has had to eliminate two positions I cannot in good consciensce add staff to HR just cuz we may have to work a bit harder to get the work done.