Attendance tracking

I would be interested in knowing how some of you are tracking attendance in your companies. If by software, what are you using? What 'person' or 'people'in your company are tracking and reporting? Are you able to maintain consistency? We are a non-union, manufacturing company employing 205 people. There has not been a consistent, effective procedure for tracking attendance here for the past 20 years! You know how much trouble this can cause. It is especially hard to track tardies with hourly administrative employees because they work such diverse hours. But.......inevitably, when an offender receives corrective action, they will always compare themselves to someone else. How do you guys handle this?? x:-/
Hope this helps.
We are (relatively) consistent with our attendance, as our policy is set up on a fairly "cut and dry" point system, with approved, unapproved and exempt absences. The shift supervisors make notations on time reports, and HR does the data entry into the Access Database.
>attendance purposes. Since the company I work for wasn't interested
>in expending a lot of $$ in a tracking program, I set up a database in
>Access. From my database, I can run FMLA reports, verbal and written
>warnings, suspension notices, etc. Although the set up was relatively
>easy, I am continually adjusting it as I learn more about Access.
>We are (relatively) consistent with our attendance, as our policy is
>set up on a fairly "cut and dry" point system, with approved,
>unapproved and exempt absences. The shift supervisors make notations
>on time reports, and HR does the data entry into the Access Database.
arodriguez, could you possibly fax or email me a copy of your attendance policy? I am interested in seeing how you handle approved and exempt absences.
Do you have a progressive discipline policy you use also? If so, at what point do you apply progressive discipline related to absenteeism and tardiness? Do you have a limit on absences? Or only un-approved absences? What is exempt? At our company, right now we are saying that (7) absences is excessive and issue a 'verbal' at 7 days missed, 'written warning' at 8, and 'final' at 9. Please reply. My fax number is 636-940-8499, email is: [email][/email].
Hopefully you received my email this morning. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
A. Rodriguez
Human Resource Manager
Hope this helps.
>were already keeping track of that on the ee aniversary date. We
>started our point system with everyone at 0 points on the first day of
>the given month and let them start from there. EE are given 12 points
>to use for 12 consecutive months. After the 12 months points start
>rolling off.
>Hope this helps.
Wiremanufacturer......Could you please explain "after the 12 months, points start rolling off"? How do they 'lose' points? Are you using a Jan-Dec calendar for everyone? Do 'new hires' start from their 'Date of Hire'? Is there progressive discipline tied to this?
We asses points as follows: full day absent 1 pt, missing 1/2 shift 1/2 pt, tardy or leaving early 1/3 pt and if you are a no call no show 2 pt.
A. Rodriguez
Human Resource Manager