Stolen Company Property
29 Posts
I have been given the responsiblity of writing a written warning to an employee who had company money stolen out of her desk. She does not have a lock on her office door or on her desk. I am not quite sure how to word this written warning, since the company does not have a policy or a precedence to this one. Can anyone help. Thanks
If she is being written up for carelessness and not for the money being stolen, it could go something like this...
"You are receiving this warning because on (insert date and time here), your office door was left unlocked and as a result, company money was stolen from your desk. Failure to lock your office door, and safeguard company property, in the future could result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination."
This of course does all depend on your disciplinary process and what an investigation turned up. What has happend in the past if someone has done something similar? You need to be consistent in your disciplinary processes.
Good Luck
Thanks again.
Give me a verbal understanding of the necessity for me to secure company monitary assets with my physical body, to include carrying the money home in my pocket,if necessary, etc. etc. after which you go to WAL-MART and purchase a minimum security strong box which is fire proof. After which, you put a security plan in place, which includes specific instructions that outline my personal responsibilities for the security of company funds and exactly, how I am to do that task.
Bottom line: if all that you gave this person was his/her unlockable desk and the company looses funds as a result then, how can you issue me a warning without prior physical ability to secure the funds, and a mental understanding of my responsibilities toward the security of the funds?
The company is at fault for the loss of funds, until the above physical security assets and plan is in place. My thoughts and my thoughts only, but you can bet that this ole HR is standing in front of the accused employee to take the heat if the company and I have failed to provide the "where with all to get the job done"! Given that we had everything in place to include proper training then, you'll find me with the handcuffs and the police excort to put the person in jail or as a minimum out the door on the first occasion of lost company assets. Pork
If she had an office that locked, a desk that locked or a strong box and failed to secure the money then issue a warning. However, you can't issue a warning if you never provided her with the means to secure the property that she is responsible for.
Chalk this one up to experience and replace her desk with one that locks. (I wouldn't suggest a strong box because someone could very easily walk away with the entire box.)
Meanwhile, I hope you are not forgetting that someone is out there that took the money.