Cell Phones

I am in the process of up-dating my company vehicle policy and wanted to include a policy on the use of cell phones while driving company vehicles. Does anyone have a policy already? If so, would you share it with me. Thanks from Texas!
(Company) requires the safe use of cellular telephones by employees who use such telephones to conduct business with or for (Company).
Employees who are assigned (Company) cellular telephones for business use, will also receive an earphone / microphone adapter for increased safety and convenience. If an employee is driving, (Company) recommends they pull off the road, as soon as they can safely do so, before initiating and/or receiving cellular telephone calls.
However, if an employee is unable to pull over and stop his or her vehicle prior to receiving or initiating a cellular telephone call, (Company) requires the employee to utilize their earphone / microphone adapter, keep such business conversations brief and immediately locate a safe area to park their vehicle if the conversation becomes involved, traffic is heavy, and/or if road conditions are poor. (Company) does not permit employees to continue driving while utilizing a hand-held cellular telephone.
(Company) cellular telephones are to be used for business purposes only. Cellular telephones are not to be used for non-business related communications. Employees, who utilize (Company) cellular telephones for purposes other than business communications, will be required to reimburse (Company) for all non-business calls. Employees in possession of (Company) cellular telephones are required to take appropriate precautions to prevent theft and vandalism to the cellular telephone.
I have a policy I can share. Just provide me with your e-mail address or fax number.
> I have a policy I can share. Just provide me with your e-mail
>address or fax number.
My e-mail address is [email]lewis.keith@cmcsg.com[/email]. Thanks for your help!