Only if you need a laugh

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-24-02 AT 05:54PM (CST)[/font][p]There are a lot of serious questions on the forum right now so I thought I would share a good story for anyone needing a smile. I heard this story over the weekend and wanted to share it with you all in the forum. Feel free to use it if you are giving a talk on leadership anytime soon. If you have a great work/hr/management joke, post it!
Back in the days of the great sailing ships, a certain captain piloted a ship and was in charge of keeping the coastal waters of his country free from the tyranny of pirates. This captain was adored by his crew for his courage and leadership.
Whenever his ship was on the high seas and they encountered a pirate ship, the captain would always ask his first mate to bring him his red shirt. Once he had changed into his red shirt, he would sound the charge and they would engage the pirates in furious battle.
After many confrontations with the pirates and hard fought victories, the first mate and a couple of the other sailors approached the captain. The captain was standing in his usual spot, scanning the horizon for danger. The group approached, holding their hats in their hands respectfully. "Captain," the first mate said,"we want to ask ye something. We want to know why you always ask for your red shirt before we fight the pirates? Is it a lucky shirt? What is the real story?"
The noble captain smiled and began to speak, "No, its not a lucky shirt. I wear a red shirt into battle for one simple reason. If I am wounded and begin to bleed, I don't want you to be distracted and worry about me. I want you to fight on no matter what happens to me."
The men shuffled away even more in awe of their brave and selfless captain. Surely, they had never met a man so noble!
Several days later, while on patrol a cry went out from the crow's nest high above the ship: "Pirates! Pirates! Pirates!" The captain immediately scanned the horizon with his spyglass counting the number of enemy ships: one, two, three... ten! Never in all his years had he encounted TEN pirate ships at once!
With a deep breath, the captain stared out towards the approaching ships and called out to the first mate, "Bring me my brown pants."
Have a great day!
Back in the days of the great sailing ships, a certain captain piloted a ship and was in charge of keeping the coastal waters of his country free from the tyranny of pirates. This captain was adored by his crew for his courage and leadership.
Whenever his ship was on the high seas and they encountered a pirate ship, the captain would always ask his first mate to bring him his red shirt. Once he had changed into his red shirt, he would sound the charge and they would engage the pirates in furious battle.
After many confrontations with the pirates and hard fought victories, the first mate and a couple of the other sailors approached the captain. The captain was standing in his usual spot, scanning the horizon for danger. The group approached, holding their hats in their hands respectfully. "Captain," the first mate said,"we want to ask ye something. We want to know why you always ask for your red shirt before we fight the pirates? Is it a lucky shirt? What is the real story?"
The noble captain smiled and began to speak, "No, its not a lucky shirt. I wear a red shirt into battle for one simple reason. If I am wounded and begin to bleed, I don't want you to be distracted and worry about me. I want you to fight on no matter what happens to me."
The men shuffled away even more in awe of their brave and selfless captain. Surely, they had never met a man so noble!
Several days later, while on patrol a cry went out from the crow's nest high above the ship: "Pirates! Pirates! Pirates!" The captain immediately scanned the horizon with his spyglass counting the number of enemy ships: one, two, three... ten! Never in all his years had he encounted TEN pirate ships at once!
With a deep breath, the captain stared out towards the approaching ships and called out to the first mate, "Bring me my brown pants."
Have a great day!
We remain competitive by paying you less than our competition.
We have no time to train you.
We don't pay enough to expect that you will dress up; a couple of the real daring guys wear earings.
Some every night and some every weekend.
Anyone in the office can boss you around.
We have no quality assurance.
Female applicants must be childless (and remain that way).
If you're old, fat or ugly, you'll be told that the position has been filled.
You'll need it to replace the three people who just quit.
You're walking into perpetual chaos.
You'll have the responsibilities of a manager, without the pay or respect.
Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want and get it done.
It's sad, but some of this may be true for some of us.