A new I-9 question

We are near a major university with many international students and have had many come in to apply. Once one is hired, they tell their friends who tell their friends etc. They can produce a driver's license and social security card for the I-9. I talked with the Immigration counselor at the university who told me they could get social security cards for "on-campus only" jobs, but that they were here on student visas and did not have work permits to work any where else.
If they produce legitimate documents and can fill out the top section of the I-9, supplying an alien registration number, can I do any more do be sure they are legally authorized to work? Some of them will check "citizen." As I understand it, I can't ask for any proof. I'm really nervous about a few who said they are citizens.
I casually questioned a very young applicant one day if she had the required documents to work in the U.S. She said "Yes, I'm a citizen" with a very thick accent. I said "oh, that's wonderful, how long have you been in this country?" (I know, I probably shouldn't have asked that!) Her answer was "one year." Seems I recall from my high school government class that it takes 5 years residency to become a citizen. I'm now afraid that others have lied on their I-9s, but what can we do?
Any advice from you I-9 experts?
If they produce legitimate documents and can fill out the top section of the I-9, supplying an alien registration number, can I do any more do be sure they are legally authorized to work? Some of them will check "citizen." As I understand it, I can't ask for any proof. I'm really nervous about a few who said they are citizens.
I casually questioned a very young applicant one day if she had the required documents to work in the U.S. She said "Yes, I'm a citizen" with a very thick accent. I said "oh, that's wonderful, how long have you been in this country?" (I know, I probably shouldn't have asked that!) Her answer was "one year." Seems I recall from my high school government class that it takes 5 years residency to become a citizen. I'm now afraid that others have lied on their I-9s, but what can we do?
Any advice from you I-9 experts?
If you are seeing SSA cards that do not bear this notation, and otherwise look reasonable, you may well be stuck. You are not required to be a document fraud detection expert. I-9 compliance is based on reasonableness.
Once hired, you can also call SSA to at least see if the SSN and name match. We're finding this service useful but wish it were available prehire to avoid headaches going in.
I'm interested to hear how other employers address the situation where you strongly suggest fraud but all the docs seem reasonable on their face.
You can call the SSA's Employer Helpline at (800) 772-6270 to verify up to 5 names and SS #'s while you wait. You need to have your company's EIN and the employee's full name, SS #, date of birth and gender.
The article goes on the say: "SSA will advise you if a name/SS # you submit does not match its records, but it is important that you don't use the verification service in a discriminatory manner. It should be applied only to currently or previously employed workers. If used for newly hired employees, verify ALL newly hired employees, not just those you suspect my be undocumented aliens."
Hope this helps.
I will certainly watch those expiration dates, but too many of them check that they are citizens, when I fear they aren't.
According to employer info on INS website, as long as an alien's documents are not expired when they are hired, you are not required or permitted to re-verify them. BUT, when you read the instructions that come with the I-9 packet, they refer to re-verifying.
My question is: does re-verifying only apply to rehires? If someone has a name change due to change in marital status, do you change it in Section C if they are currently employed?
I wish we'd get a definitive answer from one of the attorneys on this.
The best way to proceed is to have them complete and sign the I-9 form. You must verify any of the acceptable document on the back of the form. it is their responsibility to state the fact. If they choose to lie, then they will face the consequences. Good Luck.