Forced Retirement

We do not have a policy on retirement. We would like four elderly employees to retire in order to cut down on our salary budget. (One employee is in his 80's). Does anyone have a tactful method of asking someone to retire?
A note of caution- make sure you have covered your bases in terms of the Older Worker Benefit Protection Act and the ADEA. And do not give the worker a false reason why you are terminating him. It is best to tell the truth, that way you will not get caught spinning many stories if the employee decides to sue.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
the Sept. 11 issue. We are struggling financially and my boss would
like to take step #3 and implement an "early retirement" package.
Is this different (I'm sure it is) than "Forced Retirement" and what
are the quidelines for Early Retirement if we decide to move forward?
We have about seven (7) employees which we are hoping to attract with
this package. Thank You.
John Vering
Missouri Co-editor
I have posted a question in regards to "Early Retirement"
which could be an option for you. ? Hope you resolve your
problem. Thanks for posting YOUR question as well.