Intravenus Drugs

An employee just notified me that his doctor has found a bone infection after a somewhat recent surgery he had. He told me that he spoke with his supervisor, who okayed him to take his intravenus antibiotics at work so he won't have to take time off of work. He will need to do this at least once per day.
Should I be concerned here? This employee sits in a cubicle surrounded by co-workers. I'm worried about health risks to him, and perhaps potentially to others. Also, what if something were to happen while administering the drugs?
Any thoughts on what I should or should not be worried about? I'd like to share my concerns with upper management as well as the supervisor, but I want to have some sound reasoning before I sound over-protective.
Should I be concerned here? This employee sits in a cubicle surrounded by co-workers. I'm worried about health risks to him, and perhaps potentially to others. Also, what if something were to happen while administering the drugs?
Any thoughts on what I should or should not be worried about? I'd like to share my concerns with upper management as well as the supervisor, but I want to have some sound reasoning before I sound over-protective.
I guess I would speak with the employee and find out more information about it. Has he admistered the drugs to himself before? What safety precautions will he take to keep his co-workers safe? How will he dispose of the needles? Where will he do it? For how long? I wonder if you could put all of this in an agreement with him that you will allow him to do it as long as he assumes the risk and responsibility and not the company.
What does his Dr. say...Both times I had to have IV Antibiotics I wasn't allowed to work, but mine was right after surgery and the first time I had to be flat down to have them administered. The second time I could sit up, but had to sit without moving my arm, which is where the IV site was. Mine also had to be kept refrigerated until 1 hour before and had to be done at the same time every day. I think you probably need to find out from his Dr. if he wants him to be at home when he administers them. As someone said earlier perhaps be could do it in the morning before work, or in the evening after work, if he only needs to administer it once a day. From my own experience, there is no problem with having other people around. I had 2 different types of IV's but both were in sealed containers and I just hooked them up to me, so there was no chance of any of it contaminating anyone else. The needles do have to be disposed of in a SHARPS CONTAINER. I think you probably should talk with the employee and have him get written permission from his Dr. before allowing him to administer it at work.
Good Luck to all...