Time off for family emergency

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle the situation of an employee who will not be granted one unpaid day off for a family medical situation? There hasn't been any abuse of time off or performance in the past. It's for a serious surgery for the employee's father-in-law (he is accompanying his wife on the out of town trip for one day). I realize it doesn't fall under FMLA, but is there anything other law or protection for this employee? Or is it just as simple as the company saying "no"?
Just curious.
Just curious.
I remember when I had to help my husband care for his chronically ill mother and father and often had to leave work to travel, my boss rearranged my schedule so that I could work out this situation. I will always remember this man fondly for his kindness and consideration when he really didn't have to do this for me. To me, this is the true measure of a human being.
The way I look at it, YOU (the boss or decision maker) may need this type of help one day and you would hope that someone would have this consideration for you.
I could not imagine working for a company that was this hard hearted.