updated handbook/policies

I've recently started this position and have discovered that the current handbook/policies are in desperate need of being updated (last revis was 1991).
It is lack in most policies and many instructions (ie. leave) is approved at the
"discretion of the Exec. Director" on a case by case basis - which I find to be discrimanatory in the fact that it depends on who you are to receive request approval and is not consistent. I've suggested to the best of my ability the need to have an employment lawyer assist in updating this handbook, but the Exec. Director is just not budging - claiming that this is a large project and for now he will just take it into consideration. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to how I can get Mgmt. to take this seriously? These people seem to be stuck in some sort of a time warp here!!!!!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We are also in the process of updating our policy handbook. It is very important to keep your handbook updated as laws seem to change on a daily basis. If you ever end up in litigation, the first thing an attorney or jury will ask for is a copy of your policy manual. How can you counsel employees who violate company policy if your manual is outdated?? It is also critical and advisable to have an employment attorney review your policies before they are distributed to make sure that you are in compliance with state and federal law. It may cost you up front for their services, but it will save you a lot down the road.
  • I've been in your shoes and was able to "win" the argument by pointing out that management was not operating consistently throughout our various operations and therefore subjecting the company to liability ($$$$). I updated the handbook, had final copy reviewed by legal (cost about $500), and am going through a 2nd revision now.

    I've always believed that it is HR's job to play the devils advocate in any legal arenas and protect the company from the front end instead of, later, in court. It's not the fun part of our job but it shows added value.

    In the past I find it helpful to distribute certain court cases/rulings to our senior management team, to bring them back to reality.

    Hope this helps.
  • We recently did a revision of our handbook. It is scaled down quite a bit from previous versions. We give an overview of the Company and its policies in the handbook.

    We also developed a Quality Manual which is kept in several locations within our organization. Actual full-blown policies are kept in the Quality Manual and updated/revised regularly. The policies are dated and include latest revision dates. All employees are instructed on the location of policies and informed as they are changed.

    This method keeps us from having a constantly outdated handbook.
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