Pre employment social security check

We recently ordered a program called "Secure Hire" through ADP to check the validity of social security numbers of our applicants. Does anyone else do this? Do you have applicants sign a waiver specifically permitting you to do that? Our application already states, "I understand and agree that an investigation may be made whereby information is obtained through credit references, law enforcement agencies..." Does that cover us?
Social Security will check numbers for free if the individual has been hired. The number is 800 772-6270. You will need to supply social security with
your company's EIN, the name and date of birth of the employee and the social
security number in question. Social Security will then advise you if there is a match.
We also do not allow an employee to change their name until they present us with an updated social security card. Hope this helps!
You may also want to read up on some of the INS guidelines for employment eligibility. Here are some links that might help you.
I would suggest you read up on this a little because the Immigration Act was ammended in 1990 to prevent document abuse discrimination. This prohibits the employer from 1: requiring employees to present any specific documentation; 2: requiring employees to present more documents than are minimally necessary to establish identity and employment eligibility and 3: refusing to accept a document that reasonalbly appears to be genunine on its face.
Good Luck.
We use ADP for our payroll and they approached us about this system, but I was not comfortable with it due to the lack of procedures in authorizing the background checks. Also, there was a lot of input that had to be done from an HR perspective. All we have to do is fax the authorization and a copy of the signed application to our company and they send us a report.