
I work in the corporate office for a local restaurant chain with 4 company owned stores. I would like to start writing a quarterly newsletter to the managers of the stores detailing basic HR practices and issues. The first one would be about basic HR practices and why HR needs the documentation and paperwork that we need. The rest would deal with things such as sexual harrassment, minor labor laws, how to deal with romance in the workplace, certain situations that have recently happened and how they were handled, things like that. My fear is that I will have worked very hard (I am a perfectionist) on these newsletters only to have the managers totally disregard them. I know that HR can be a very boring topic for those who do not do it on a regular basis but I feel that they need to know the importance of adhering to established procedures and why we ask them to do what they do.
Does anybody else do these and are they effective?
Does anybody else do these and are they effective?
We've covered several of the topics you mentioned in the newsletter already. You can read the sample issue on romance in the workplace to get a feel for the supervisor-friendly presentation.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Good Luck with that!
>they would even look at anything longer.
[b]Squishypig[/b], have you ever seen the Workplace Memos at They're monthly two-page newsletters for supervisors and executives and feature very brief summaries of HR and business news as well as federal and state-specific case law. You can check out sample copies by clicking on [|this link]. Sounds like they might be just what you need.
They're part of a package deal you get with a subscription to the Employment Law Center in your state. You could subscribe to your state's letter and make copies of the Workplace Memo every month to circulate to your supervisors and executives, accompanied by a little note from the home office saying, "Check out the second item; it really applies to us!" We have an item about a restaurant case in the current month's newsletter, in fact.
Feel free to e-mail or call me if you'd like more information.
Good luck!
Gina E. Fann
Managing Editor, Workplace Memos
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(800) 274-6774, extension 8037