Different cultures and the job

The previous post on language issues got me thinking. What do you all see on how different cultures make your job more challenging? For instance,I have noticed that Latin women are less likely to complain about harassment because it is not part of their culture to complain,and Asian managers do not always tell employees they are not doing a good job because they believe they should know they are not meeting standards and act accordingly.You? Regards from Texas,Mike Maslanka,michaelmaslanka@akllp.com
I also find that when I hire people who are not Vietnamese, their turnover is higher.
Always quite a challenge.
That sounds like my world. We are owned by a Taiwanese company and all of our executives are Taiwanese. Holding side conversations in Chinese during meetings is a frequent occurance. None of the rest of us have the slightest idea what they're talking about and they like it that way.
I makes for a very challenging environment!
It is tricky to move through these discussions smoothly, but it is so important that we take chances and get in there to make things work better for employees and employers.