HR's role in interview process

I am curious as to how other companies handle their interview process. Do you as human resources/personnel sit in on the interviews and if so do you take an active part in the interview and at the conclusion, are you afforded the opportunity to give your input on the candidate? At my work place it seems they would rather not have HR invovled in the actual interview at all. I'm wondering what others do?
We are however very much involved in the hiring of administrative personnel. We are a one person HR department with 60 employees.
Hope this helps.
I have found that using a structured format for interviews with a set of written questions for each position works well for us. I usually prepare the questions (based on the job description) and give them to the supervisor of the open position for input. Also, by sitting in on all interviews I can make sure that no one strays into dangerous territory with their questions or idle commentary. Our managers and supervisors have really 'bought into' my participation and are very satisfied with the process.
If HR has to fix it in the end, they should have input from the beginning. However, if supervisors do all of it and it is working well, why would you want the added aggravation and responsibility?