Help! Fast!

We have a middle manager, under 40, male, been employed just under one year. His technical knowledge is excellent. His 'people skills' are a big problem. He is causing division between inter-related depts., he is angering production workers, he has a "my way only, you don't know what your doing" attitude. He relates poorly with subordinates. The Company wants to let him go immediately. There is no documentation in his file to back this up. There have been 'verbal meetings' with him in attendance (at least two)where the problem has been addressed. Do you see any legal problems with such a dismissal? Is it necessary to offer him severance? Your quick reply would be appreciated. The Company wants to act on this tomorrow. If I've left out needed info. let me know.
John Vering
Missouri co-editor
800-243-5070 X 5226
If it was my call, I would spend some time helping this guy understand his own personality and how he can better communicate and relate to others. Since he is new to your company, its possible he has encountered this problem before in other settings. Ascertain whether he is ready to really "change his ways" and become more effective. Show him how valuable he will be once his personal skills allow his tech skills to shine.
My guess is he is a powerful choleric personality with the tendency to run over other people. Charm is not their strong suit but with time they can learn to soften their hard charging stance. They are excellent problem solvers because they can assess a situation quickly. They also are valuable because they get a lot done!
Maybe I'm just your typical HR softy or perhaps his attitude is resistant to change, but that would be the avenue I would focus on. On the other hand, when you fire a guy with this strong temperament, expect some backlash.
Paul in Cannon Beach