I-9 after termination?

We keep our employee's I-9 on a separate file, but what do you do with the I-9 after the employee has been terminated?, do you destroyed them or do you put them back on the employee's file? what happens if you have I-9 of terminated employees in the same file that you have I-9 of active employees?. We also attached photocopies of ID's and SS cards to the I-9.
thank you in advance for your response.
thank you in advance for your response.
You might also search the Forum for a thread on why not to attach the documents to the I-9 form. I know several people replied to that one with lots of good information.
Margaret Morford
Also, the government has a 1-800- number which allows employers to check up to 5 social security numbers and names (to ensure correctness) at one time. It is probably a good practice to check all new hires.
Good Luck