sexual harassment termination

It was decided by the Pres. and HR an employee would be term. for sex.harr. by the allegations of 2 other employees. This employee then (after being told of the termination) called the Pres. back and he informs her he has always taken care of her and to file a rebuttle to the charges.
Recd. 7 pages of incidences of where she is charging sex. harr. charges against the 2 employees that filed against her.
Question: Can she file a rebuttle after being terminated? Can she file sex. harr. charges after termination?
Statements were taken from the 2 employees filing charges, project supr., co-worker and a co-worker/friend who all state instances of this person stating things in a manner to be perceived as harassment. This is when the decision was made in the best interest of the Co. to term. employee.
Recd. 7 pages of incidences of where she is charging sex. harr. charges against the 2 employees that filed against her.
Question: Can she file a rebuttle after being terminated? Can she file sex. harr. charges after termination?
Statements were taken from the 2 employees filing charges, project supr., co-worker and a co-worker/friend who all state instances of this person stating things in a manner to be perceived as harassment. This is when the decision was made in the best interest of the Co. to term. employee.