I'm frustrated; I posted on benefits and didn't get any answers. We are changing our employer contribution to the health insurnace, and the boss wants to require everyone to take the employee only. I did't think we could do that.....? Does anyone know?!!
Margaret Morford
I need to clarify. You only require employees to have some sort of medical coverage on themselves. It doesn't have to be with your company. (They only need to provide proof that they have it elsewhere.) Many employees (particularly the very young)will waive insurance to save the cost of the premiums. Then they are in a car accident or become very ill and have no way to pay for the hospital care they need. Their employers wind up taking up collections, etc. trying to help. Or an employee that has waived coverge will not go to the doctor to have things checked out in the early stages because it will cost them significant money to see a doctor. They ignore early signs and symptoms because they have no insurance. It encourages them to look after their health.
Margaret Morford