Stress Reduction Workshop

I am designing a stress reduction workshop for our supervisors. With the holidays coming up I thought it would be an appropriate topic for December. Can anyone point me toward some resources with good stress related material? Any websites you know of would be great. I am looking at causes of stress, how to identify stress and ways to combat stress. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • whenever i want some info,i go to,and type in a keyword and i am amazed at how many books have been wrtiien on the subject...regards from texas,mike maslanka,214-659-4668
  • Do you have an EAP at your company? If so why don't you ask them to provide you with materials/helpful references? After all they specialize in the area of stress. We have a very good EAP and they provide us with materials (at our request), and/or someone with a background in psychology to actually do the training for us. Just a thought...

  • I would consult your health care provider also. Often, they may be able to supply you with pamphlets, help line numbers, etc. They can be a great resource for materials. With health and wellness being a hot topic in HR, a lot of insurance companies have become proactive in teaching their members how to stay stress free, eat right and exercise regularly. Good Luck!
  • Make sure that the stress management covers how to identify
    and modify negative self-talk (what one is telling oneself about the
    current stressful situation.) This is the most effective approach
    to stress management. Too many programs focus only on guided
    imagery and that sort, (Imagine yourself relaxing on the beach...)

  • I recently came across a website I'm using for employees, in general, for stress and burnout. I thought it had a lot of user-friendly material although the spelling in some parts of the website. It is [url][/url] and I have no affiliation with them. Good luck!
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