
Each of our employees have our space on the server. We store things there that get backed up each night. There is one new employee who is accessing personal docs from another persons "space" Is there anything we can do about this. Of cours, we have no policies in effect.
Margaret Morford
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Also, you (as the employer) need to have a policy that gives you the right to access everything on your company's computers. This policy needs to be given to (and signed by) each employee. For example, what if you think an employee might be emailing confidential company documents to a competitor (this has been known to happen). Does your company have the right to check into that private area to see if that has been done?
Every pass word on the computer should be turned into the company. I've had a case where an employee left the company and never turned in the password, then said he forgot. The company needed the data, so that had to hire an expensive computer guru to get the data out.
Good Luck!