Employee Living on-site

We are a small technology start-up company with a less than rigid culture. I have an employee who lives in another city and commutes to Austin during the week to work. He has decided that living on-site was OK. Without checking with anyone, he has moved into his cube and is literally living there during the week. Beside the fact that it's strange, can anyone come up with reasons why I shouldn't allow this to continue?
Forgive me, but the answer to your question is analagous to what's wrong with inviting your former girl/boy friend to come live with you and your current spouse/partner/significant other......
I understand the legal ramifications, but it isn't too far out of our "culture" for people to sleep here at times. I realize there is a difference between living here and sleeping here on ocaision.
I just hate to go straight to the legal reasons without first trying to look at the human side.
Get him out of there NOW. Everything is at risk. Who kinows what he is doing rummaging through the offices. Geez!
Margaret Morford
If you go to a 'suites' hotel, they frequently have shuttle service for a nominal fee that these foreign physicians' could afford. OR if the medical practice is paying for them to come over (?), then they can hire a part-timer to shuttle them around or find housing that's close/appropriate/affordable and assign a driver to them.
Good luck.
This would only be fair, since other employees are not getting the economic advantage he does by living on-site and avoiding house costs.
In the end, it is not really a legal issue, as it is an employee "hygene" issue. It is not good for this employee to so closely intertwine his/her personal and business lives. We already spend more waking hours at work than we do in our own homes. When someone literally makes work their home, it does not provide for the mental, spiritual,emotional and social outlets that a "home-life" brings to the worker.
Is it possible your employee might be lacking in social skills, and staying immersed in the workplace, where he or she feels comfortable, is a great escape?
Either that, or he is a mooch abusing the informality culture your company is promoting. Either way, ET needs to go home.