
What explanation, if any, is legally due an applicant who has not been selected for a position? Is the company required to provide the applicant with the reasons they were not selected, if the applicant demands such an explanation?
This notion of not telling candidates why they weren't selected is, in my opinion, a great way for someone to speculate and that usually escalates to a belief that they were treated poorly or discriminatorily. If the person was qualified and yet you offered the job to a more qualified person, that's an acceptable response. There's no law against hiring the most qualified person. Now if there's more to this than you've volunteered, then it would be helpful to know more details....(e.g. family relationship, prior employee, managerial directive, etc......)
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
This is a technical area of the law covered by the fair credit reporting act. For example, the applicant must be told before hand that a credit check will be done. Generally I tell employers not to do credit checks unless they are related to the specific job.