
I'd like some feedback on whether to hand out applications to "wak-ins" or just accept their resumes. I beleive there is more liability to the applicant when we allow them to fill out an applicaton as opposed to merely accepting their resume. I believe it may also make a difference if we actually have an opening or not. Your feedback is appreciated.
Margaret Morford
Steve in SD
Very good advice. One question. Can an employer disqualify a candidate who failed to sign and date the application form in the spaces provided? It seems I read somewhere (many, many moons ago) that such can be done.
I can't make a good faith hiring decision, if I'm unsure of the applicant's good faith.
(And of course, a reasonable way out for HR is to return the application to the individual, noting that it's lacking a signature. Interestingly enough, I've [i]never[/i] had an applicant fix the application and bring (or send) it back in!)
Steve in SD
You didn't ask, but as long as we're discussing applications...I would also add to your disclaimer language a statement that any false information given on the application and/or resume or during the interview process is grounds for immediate termination. Most people do not include "during the interview process" which may help you if they tell you a lie during their interview, not just on paper. Make sure you have documentation of the lie in the interview notes, not just someone recalling he/she said that.
Margaret Morford