Employee issue

I'm not sure on how to handle this situation, so maybe someone has some feedback. Our Employee Handbook states that after 1 yr of FT employment you receive 2 wks vaca. and after 8 yrs of FT employment you receive 3 wks vaca. An employee who has reached their 1 yr anniv. with our company was given their performance appraisal and a raise. The employee has asked if in leiu of the raise, can she receive another weeks vaca.
Would a company be OK in granting that request, or would we be setting a precedent for other employees to do same - which we may not want to go there.
Waiting for responses.
Would a company be OK in granting that request, or would we be setting a precedent for other employees to do same - which we may not want to go there.
Waiting for responses.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
You may want to take a look at your vacation accrual levels. Eight years seems a long time to wait to get a "bump" in vacation days when you only give two weeks after one year. Most companies will give an initial amount of vacation, then another bump at three to five years and then maybe 10 to 15 years. You may want to look at increasing or reconfiguring this rather than giving special special treatment to some employees.
So I think giving the 2 weeks vacation with the raise is enough (in fact, since this employee has only been with the company a year, giving a special favor is probably not warrented).
Good luck!