I-9 Originals vs Photocopies

We are a national consulting firm. When our employees are hired it is done by phone only. We never actually physically meet any of our staff. I-9's are received by fax with copies of the appropriate verification.
Are original forms needed in file? What about the verification, are originals needed are can we accept photocopies?
If photocopies are not acceptable are there any other suggestions? Getting the originals from employees and mailing back to them?
Are original forms needed in file? What about the verification, are originals needed are can we accept photocopies?
If photocopies are not acceptable are there any other suggestions? Getting the originals from employees and mailing back to them?
For example, did you ever notice the columns on either side of the front of your Social Security card are raised? That's why the admonition on the reverse (of later cards; not mine) to not laminate the cards. We were also provided a very detailed, full-color pamphlet showing different types of "green cards" (none of which are green, by the way).
So to answer your question: Photocopies are fine for the I-9 and the verification documents--as long as they were made by you (or someone in your company with the authority to verify their legitimacy).