Scoring Interview Answers

How do others score or evaluate the results of interviews? Our state agency has a strict policy whereby we must determine and submit both interview questions AND "preferred answers" in advance of conducting interviews. Although most of us have no problem with submitting and sticking to a list of prepared questions, the problem is that we must evaluate and score applicants based on how closely their answers match our "preferred answers." Sometimes applicants give even better responses than we expected, but we are not allowed to consider any response that is not part of our predetermined criteria. Is this normal? How do other public and private companies evaluate interviews? We want to be fair and legal, but isn't this a little backwards?
The problem we encounter is that the interviewer must anticipate in advance every possible answer to the question. If the applicant answers differently, even if he or she gives a BETTER response, the interviewer may not, under our policy, give any points for anything other than the "preferred answer.' (I have argued that it is not a "preferred answer," but rather a "required answer.") This sometimes forces interviewers to "cheat" later by manipulating interview notes to show that the applicant really answered in the "preferred" way, which defeats the whole purpose of setting predetermined criteria.