HIV Positive Employee

We have an employee that gave his manager a letter from his attorney in October stating that he was HIV Positive, requesting that we provide him with reasonable accomodations, and warning us that his condition needed to be held in cofidentiality. Last week, he told his manager that he was starting a new treatment program & that he would be out of the office more than he had been. We have started him on FMLA, but are not too sure what to do next. We are going to ask him to give his physicican's name & number to get more information regarding his condition & the treatment.
I have 2 questions:
Where can I find information regarding HIV in the workplace & reasonable accomodations for the condition?
What suggestions do you have for me going forward since this a very sensitive situation & we want to be sure that he is not discriminated against in any way for his condition?
I have 2 questions:
Where can I find information regarding HIV in the workplace & reasonable accomodations for the condition?
What suggestions do you have for me going forward since this a very sensitive situation & we want to be sure that he is not discriminated against in any way for his condition?
What is reasonable help for HIV-positive employee?
Consulting Program AIDS Foundation in San Francisco.
Of course, one of your best sources for identifying reasonable accommodation for your employee is YOUR EMPLOYEE. Another great source is HIS DOCTOR. I don't mean to be sarcastic but too often we overlook the simplest things and, in fact, you need to consult with your employee to be engaged in a good faith effort that the law requires.
Mr. Labovitz, perhaps I came across as insensitive. That was not my intention. We have conferred with the employee & intend to confer with his physician. I am merely trying to educate myself on the best way to handle this situation, as it is the first time I have dealt with it & I want to be very sure I am handling it correctly.
Select "Disability Discrimination" and then "AIDS/HIV"