Our company has a maximum number of paid sick days (outside of disability). The policy is that you get paid for 5 occurrences or 10 sick days, whichever comes first. An occurrence could be one absence that lasts 3 days such as the flu. Or you could be out 5 random Mondays and you will have 5 occurrences which would max out your paid sick time. It work very well and very few people go over the maximum. If they do then we must examine on a case by case basis if FML:A comes in to play. Because while the absence could be considered excessive, it could also be protected under FMLA and you might not be able to terminate in that case for excessive absence. If the absences are over the limit and are not FMLA protected then you could take some action up to and including termination. All of this should be written up in your policies so that you remain uniform in the application of this policy. Hope this helps
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For lots of information about dealing with absenteeism in the workplace, see "Hot Topic: Absenteeism" at
[url]http://www.hrhero.com/topics/absenteeism/absenteeism.shtml[/url] (You can access all the Hot Topics from the Home page.)
Hope this helps!
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Thanks in advance.
Please e-mail me at [email]WebEditor@HRhero.com[/email] to add your sample policies to the list.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor